Erika Karata | Mari Hayashida |
Kotoha Hiroyama | MAAKIII |
Written and directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Music by Hiromi Uehara , Masato Nakamura
The story follows the four days of a theatrical play production , from rehearsals to the opening day. In an unusual, closed space without a director or producer, four female actors in desperate circumstances know this stage will be the last chance for their careers. Their true selves are about to be revealed through rehearsals. Will they stick to their acting, which decides their future as actors, and end the play in discord? Or will they choose otherwise?
These four actors with completely different backgrounds play the roles of actors in a play at different stages of their acting careers. Their truths are shuffled into the script while they play their roles as actors. Is this movie fiction or reality?
The four actors gathered in the studio spent three days rehearsing their 30-page script. They were told they would perform onstage on the fourth day. The cast has yet to be decided. Although they are upset about being in a closed environment with their smartphones and watches ripped away, the four devote themselves to rehearsals in order to obtain the roles they want to play.
A second-rate actor, an unpopular actor, a bad actor, and an actor who can no longer find satisfaction in acting as directed. Their no-turning-back situations are gradually brought to light during rehearsals, revealing the women’s respective natures. Their performances collide as they give all they’ve got for their acting careers in this space where there are no rules nor even a director or producer.
The fourth day arrives. As the masked audience watches, will they be able to show their true natures as actors and deliver a successful stage performance?
江村あかり 琴和
中野麻衣 星野卓誠 山乃桃子 宮本千奈津
企画: 田中浩子 赤松勇介
プロデューサー:森谷雄 鈴木剛
脚本:井上テテ 堤幸彦
劇中劇「under skin」
製作/配給:DCT entertainment, Inc.
宣伝:THReee entertainment
Writer/Director: Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Starring: Erika Karata, Mari Hayashida, Kotoha Hiroyama, MAAKIII
Music: Hiromi Uehara, Masato Nakamura
Executive Producer: Masato Nakamura
Planning: Hiroko Tanaka, Yusuke Akamatsu
Screenplay: Tete Inoue, Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Screenplay for the play in the plot (under skin): Kana Yamada
Music Producer: Hideoki Mogi
Producer: Takeshi Moriya, Takeshi Suzuki
Cameraman: Takuya Ino
Lighting: Shunpei Sumi
Editor: Chieko Suzaki
Recording: Takehiko Watanabe
Production Design: Isao Hasegawa
Set Decoration: Keiki Mishima
Sound Effects: Yuji Tan
Stylist: Gen Miura
Wardrobe: Natuyo Murase
Hair/Makeup: Masako Takahashi
Assistant Director: Yasutomo Ikebe
Scheduler: Michizou Kito
Production: Kei Angel
Assistant Producer: Shiori Ando
Produced and Distributed by: DCT Entertainment, Inc.
Distribution Cooperation: K2Pictures
Publicity: THReee Entertainment
Production Company: At Movie
唐田えりか/からた・えりか Erika Karata
Karata made her acting debut in 2015. In 2018, she starred in a movie for the first time, Asako I & II, directed by Ryusuke Hamaguchi , for which she won the Newcomer Actress Award at the Yamaji Fumiko Film Awards and Best Newcomer at the Yokohama Film Festival. She also appeared in Desert of Namibia (2024), which won an award from the International Federation of Film Critics at the 77th Cannes Film Festival. She gained immense recognition for her powerful performance portraying Chigusa Nagayo in the hit Netflix original series The Queen of Villains. Her most recent work, The Man Who Failed to Die , will be released in February 2025.
林田麻里/はやしだ・まり Mari Hayashida
2000年から東京に拠点を移し、映画『殺し屋1』(00)への出演を皮切りに、これまでに70本以上の映画、60本以上のドラマ、50本以上の舞台に出演し続け、TV・映画・演劇と幅広いジャンルの第一線で活躍し続ける。主な出演作に映画 『アキレスと亀』(08)、『人魚の眠る家』(18)、『ガチ星』(18)などがあり、2013年には舞台演劇での活躍が評価され、第48回紀伊國屋演劇賞個人賞・受賞を果たした。
Since relocating to Tokyo in 2000, Hayashida has appeared in more than 70 films, 60 series, and 50 stage works after appearing in the film Ichi the Kill (2000). She has been active at the forefront of various genres, such as TV, film, and theater. Her major works include Achilles and the Tortoise (2008), The House Where the Mermaid Sleeps (2018), and Riding Uphill (2018). In 2013, she won the Individual Achievement award at the 48th Kinokuniya Theater Awards .
広山詞葉/ひろやま・ことは Kotoha Hiroyama
Hiroyama graduated from Nihon University College of Art , majoring in theater arts. In 2017, she started producing indie films while acting and won numerous awards as an actor and producer at domestic and international film festivals. In 2020, she produced Truth: 1 Room, 1 Night, 3 Baddest Bitches , the first independent film by Yukihiko Tsutsumi, which won 9 awards at international film festivals . Her acting works include series such as Saigo kara Nibanme no Koi , Gunshi Kanbee , Yasuragi no Sato , the SPEC series , and the films Helter Skelter , The Big Bee , and The Hotel of My Dream .
2005年よりロックバンド「HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR」の女性ボーカルとしてメジャーデビュー。デビューシングル「PRIDE」でオリコン初登場2位を記録し、同年に初の全国ワンマンツアーの実施、第47回日本レコード大賞では新人賞を受賞した。その後、2008年にバンドを脱退し、2013年より「MAAKIII」名義でソロ活動をスタート。現在はバンド「DracoVirgo」のボーカルとしても活動中。アーティストとしてキャリアをスタートさせる傍ら、映画『あなたを忘れない』に初主演し、女優としてもデビューを果たした。
She made her major debut as a vocalist in the rock band HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR in 2005. Their debut single, “PRIDE,” was ranked in second place as it made its first appearance in Oricon . The same year, they went on a nationwide one-band tour and also won the Best New Artist Award at the 47th Japan Record Awards . In 2008, she left the band and started performing solo as MAAKIII. She is currently the vocalist of the band DracoVirgo as well. While performing as an artist, she debuted as an actor starring in the film Anata wo Wasurenai .
原案・監督 Writer/Director
堤 幸彦/つつみ・ゆきひこ Yukihiko Tsutsumi
1995年放送のドラマ「金田一少年の事件簿」で注目を集め、「ケイゾク」「池袋ウエストゲートパーク」や「TRICK」シリーズ、「SPEC」シリーズ、映画「20世紀少年」三部作といった話題作を手がけてきた。「明日の記憶」「イニシエーション・ラブ」「天空の蜂」「真田十勇士」「人魚の眠る家」「十二人の死にたい子どもたち」「ファーストラヴ」「夏目アラタの結婚」など、これまでに50本以上の映画を手がけ、今後は「STEP OUT にーにーのニライカナイ」(25年3月)の公開も控えている。
Tsutsumi gained recognition after the series Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo in 1995. Since then, he has directed popular works such as Keizoku , Ikebukuro West Gate Park , the Trick series, the SPEC series, and the 20th Century Boys film trilogy . He has directed over 50 films, including Memories of Tomorrow , Initiation Love , The Big Bee , Sanada 10 Braves , The House Where the Mermaid Sleeps , 12 Suicidal Teens , First Love , and Arata Natsume’s Marriage . His new film Step Out is opening in March 2025.
音楽 Music
上原ひろみ/うえはら・ひろみ Hiromi Uehara
1999年にボストンのバークリー音楽院に入学。2003年にアルバム『Another Mind』で世界デビューを果たす。 2011年にはスタンリー・クラークとのプロジェクト作『スタンリー・クラーク・バンド フィーチャリング 上原ひろみ』で第53回グラミー賞において「ベスト・コンテンポラリー・ジャズ・アルバム」を受賞。 2016年にリリースされた4枚目のアルバム『SPARK』は、アメリカのビルボード・ジャズ総合チャートで1位を記録など、世界を舞台に活躍。2021年には「東京2020オリンピック開会式」に出演。映画「BLUE GIANT」(23年2月)では音楽監督を務め、第47回日本アカデミー賞において「最優秀音楽賞」を受賞。
Born in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. At age six, Uehara started piano lessons and learned to compose at Yamaha Music School . She entered Berklee College of Music in Boston in 1999. In 2003, she made her international debut with the album Another Mind . In 2011, collaborating with Stanley Clark, she won Best Contemporary Jazz Album at the 53rd Grammy Awards for Stanely Clark Band Featuring Hiromi Uehara . Her fourth album SPARK, released in 2016, topped the Jazz Albums Chart on the US Billboard charts, a mark of her successful career worldwide. In 2021, she performed at the opening ceremony for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. She served as the music director for the film BLUE GIANT (Feb 2023) and won the Best Music Score award at the 47th Japan Academy Film Prize .
音楽 Music
中村正人/なかむら・まさと Masato Nakamura
ベーシストでコンポーザー、アレンジャーの中村正人と、ボーカリストでコンポーザー、パフォーマーの吉田美和からなるバンド「DREAMS COME TRUE」のリーダー。1989年にメジャーデビューし、1991年より4年に1度のペースで「史上最強の移動遊園地 DREAMS COME TRUE WONDERLAND」と題したイベントを実施している。1992年発売の5thアルバム「The Swinging Star」は当時の日本記録となる300万枚以上のセールスを記録する。2023年夏にはグレイテストヒッツライブ「史上最強の移動遊園地 DREAMS COME TRUE WONDERLAND 2023」を5大ドームと2アリーナで開催し、約44万人を動員した。2024年にはデビュー35周年を迎えた。
The leader of the band, DREAMS COME TRUE, consisting of the bassist-composer and arranger Masato Nakamura and the vocalist-composer and performer Miwa Yoshida. They debuted in 1989, and since 1991 they have been doing a concert event every four years called “The Greatest Traveling Carnival: DREAMS COME TRUE WONDERLAND.” Their 5th album, Swinging Star (1991), sold over three million copies and marked the highest sales record at the time. In the summer of 2023, they held DREAMS COME TRUE WONDERLAND 2023 at the top five largest domes and two arenas in Japan giving a live performance of their greatest hits, with approximately 440,000 attendees in total. They marked their 35th anniversary in 2024.
2025.03.14: ムビチケ販売開始!
■上映映画館 ※ドリカムシアター除く